Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions May Change

We only sell to retail stores and wholesalers with the exception of Japanese textbooks and learning materials.

All products are non-returnable.

Our products are shipped from Los Angeles. Please note that there are some exceptions.

Shipping will be handled by UPS/FedEx/USPS unless otherwise mentioned. Shipping charges depend on the weight and dimensions of the shipment. The cost will be included in the invoice.

Customer Categories

For Retailor & Wholesaler

To open an account, we ask that you place a minimum order of $100.00. We also ask that you provide us with your company information (name of store, billing and shipping address, phone and fax number, e-mail address, name of contact, and account information) to process your order. If your or store is located in the State of California, we request a copy of your Seller's Permit for accounting purposes. We offer three different forms of Payment Terms: Prepaid, C.O.D. and Net 30 Days. Unless otherwise suggested, we will begin processing orders with a Prepaid or C.O.D. payment term. If you request a C.O.D., please note that there are additional charges associated with this kind of shipment. When applying for a Net 30, please include at least three credit references with your request. Please allow two to three weeks to process your credit references. We may deny changing your terms if the result of your payment information is unsatisfactory.

For School & Libraries

We offer special discount rates for schools. We request that each order placed by schools include their Purchase Order (P.O.) Number. Billing and shipping addresses must be the same as the one for the school. If your school is located in California, we do add a sales tax to your orders.

For Teachers

We offer special discount rates for teachers as well. However, we only accept Prepaid payment terms. Please be advised that we will ask for your credit card information. Shipping address must be the same as the one for the school. If you are in California, we do add sales tax to your orders.